New iPad for Nathan

“Nathan would like to Thank You Very Much for this Gift! Nathan loves and appreciates his new iPad and accessories. He primarily loves to use his new iPad for taking videos and pictures of the things important to him in everyday life.  He also loves to watch YouTube for ‘Thomas and Friends’ videos and Geico commercials as he laughs at the Geico Gecko. He plays games like ‘Snoopy’s Fair’ and various ‘Thomas and Friends’ games and challenges. He enjoys his headphones and speakers to listen to some music and videos that include ‘Thomas and Friends’.” — Nathan’s parents

 Eighteen-year-old Nathan, with low-functioning autism, was sponsored by the ESM of Central Florida. Thank you for making a dream come true!

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Jackson’s iPad

Special Dreams

Jackson, with Pyriavate Dehydrogenase deficiency, received his dream of an iPad and accessories through Sunshine Foundation.