Brianna Adventures on a Journey of Joy

Sweet Brianna lives with bronchopulmonary dysphagia and cerebral palsy. Accompanied by her loving family, her parents, Brian and Melanie, and her sister Taylor, she embarked on a journey to the Great Wolf Lodge and Story Land. Her special dream came true in a world of fantasy throughout their stay.

Thank You from Brianna’s Family

“We ended up taking two trips with Brianna thanks to your donor’s generosity. These were the first trips we had ever taken together as an immediate family. It was just the four of us – myself, my husband, Brian, Brianna, and her sister, Taylor. We all had a great time! Brianna chose to go to Great Wolf Lodge, an indoor water park, hotel, and theme park. We went there overnight at the end of June. Then, in July, we spent two nights in a hotel at Storyland, which Brianna also requested. These are the trips that worked best for her with Brianna’s mobility and the fact that she fatigues quickly due to her cerebral palsy. This was compounded by the fact that she was recovering from breaking her femur a year ago and having a rod placed in her right leg. We all had a great time, as you can see from the pictures, and she was very happy to have chosen where we went! Thank you again very much for the opportunity to have had our first getaways as a family!” – Brianna’s mom, Melanie.

Brianna’s Diagnosis

Briana has a diagnosis of bronchopulmonary dysplasia and cerebral palsy. Bronchopulmonary dysplasia is a form of chronic lung disease that is the consequence of unresolved or abnormally repaired lung damage. Cerebral palsy is a group of disorders that affect a person’s ability to move and maintain balance and posture. It is caused by abnormal brain development or damage to the developing brain, which affects a person’s ability to control their muscles.


We are very grateful to a generous donor for making Brianna’s dream come true! With their support, Sunshine Foundation was able to answer Brianna’s dream.

Sunshine Foundation answers the dreams of children, ages three through eighteen, who have severe or profound physical/developmental/intellectual challenges or trauma from physical/sexual abuse, and whose families have limited income. Since 1976, Sunshine Foundation has spread Sunshine into the lives of more than 42,500 children in need.

Teenage girl with bronchio-pulmonary dysphagia and cerebral palsy enjoyes dream trips to Story Land and Great Wolf Lodge.
Teenage girl with bronchio-pulmonary dysphagia and cerebral palsy enjoyes dream trips to Story Land and Great Wolf Lodge.
Teenage girl with bronchio-pulmonary dysphagia and cerebral palsy enjoyes dream trips to Story Land and Great Wolf Lodge.
Teenage girl with bronchio-pulmonary dysphagia and cerebral palsy enjoyes dream trips to Story Land and Great Wolf Lodge.
Teenage girl with bronchio-pulmonary dysphagia and cerebral palsy enjoyes dream trips to Story Land and Great Wolf Lodge.

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